Brow Lift

Brow Lift

If droopy eyebrows, deep furrows on the forehead or frown lines over the eyes bother you, it may be time to consider a brow lift. Egypt patients who want to look as young as they feel can use this procedure to achieve a more vital and refreshed look.

Brow Lift

I’d be happy to visit with you in person to discuss Brow Lift at Joy Clinics . You can request a consultation online or give us a call at (+2) 012 768 488 25  to make an appointment.

Brow Lift Just for You

Whether you require a subtle lift or a more extensive procedure, I will customize your brow lift to achieve the results you want. Using my experience and skill, I ensure that each detail is considered when choosing the right approach for you.

Dr. Beshoy Explains

Also known as a forehead lift, a brow lift can help you project the youthful vitality you feel inside by improving the overall appearance of your forehead and eyelids. When performed by a highly skilled plastic surgeon, a brow lift can:

In Egypt, brow lift surgery nicely complements other procedures, such as eyelid surgery to brighten the eyes by reducing droopiness or a face lift to rejuvenate the cheeks, jaw line and neck.


Coronal brow lift:

This technique is ideal for patients who want to raise the entire brow line. Also known as the “headband incision,” it involves removing skin from the hair-covered portion of the scalp. I place an incision from ear to ear, lift the forehead and remove the excess skin from the scalp. A coronal brow lift is not as common as it used to be, but it still can be the most effective way to meet the needs of some patients.

Endoscopic brow lift:

With this technique, I place small incisions behind the hairline. Using a tiny camera and special instruments, I remove or tighten the muscles that are responsible for wrinkles, frown lines and sagging eyebrows. Endoscopic brow lifts are particularly beneficial for younger patients who do not need removal of excess skin.

Lateral brow lift:

A lateral brow lift addresses sagging on the outer portion of the eyebrow. With this technique, I place small incisions in the hairline at the temples to remove excess skin and lift the outer corners of the forehead. Unlike a coronal brow lift, a lateral brow lift does not raise the middle of the brow. It does, however, improve the appearance of crow’s feet. A lateral brow lift may be the best option for patients who are mainly concerned with drooping at the sides of the eyebrows.


If your friends often say you appear tired, older or even angry, you may benefit from a brow lift. Patients are generally between the ages of 40 and 70. Patients who smoke should stop before surgery.


You may experience mild discomfort, but it is easily managed with mild pain medication. Improvement is seen immediately, but maximum results are visible several months after surgery when all of the swelling is resolved.


In my experience, risks from brow lift surgery have been extremely rare. Possible complications include bleeding, infection, nerve damage or hair changes.

To learn more about Brow Lift, request a consultation or call (+2) 012 768 488 25.
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