Neck Enhancement

Neck Enhancement

Neck Enhancement

An elegant neck is a coveted trait that can define you as youthful and slender. Unfortunately, the effects of sun, aging and gravity take a toll on the neck and can lead to sagging skin, vertical bands, fine wrinkles and localized fat. These signs of aging often betray our energy and vitality. Fortunately for patients in and around Egypt , neck enhancement procedures restore a well-defined neck and help you look as young as you feel.

I’d be happy to visit with you in person to discuss Neck Enhancement at Joy Clinics . You can request a consultation online or give us a call at (+2) 012 768 488 25  to make an appointment.

Neck Lift

The neck is one of the first areas of the body to show signs of aging. Gravity, sun damage and genetic inheritance are the main contributors to aging of the neck. Regardless of the cause, patients who refuse to surrender to the dreaded “turkey neck” are getting relief in the form of a neck lift. In Egypt , neck lift surgery is similar to a facelift, but it focuses on the jaw line, neck bands and skin laxity. It is an effective way to reclaim a taut, youthful neck.

Neck Liposuction

Many patients who choose to have liposuction of the neck are genetically predisposed to excess fat under the chin. It’s a frustrating trait that can distort your facial features and make you appear to be overweight, even if you are in good physical shape. Fortunately, Egypt neck liposuction is a safe and effective procedure that has helped many men and women reclaim confidence in their appearance.

To learn more about Neck Enhancement ( Neck Liposuction & Neck Lift ) , request a consultation or call (+2) 012 768 488 25.
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