Traceless Facelift

Traceless Facelift

Though there are many options to reduce the signs of aging, the facelift is still the most effective choice for rejuvenation. There are a variety of approaches available to customize the procedure to give each patient the best results. During our initial facelift consultation in EGYPT , we’ll discuss which technique is right for you and whether you’d like to add eyelid surgery or another procedure to the surgical plan.

I’d be happy to visit with you in person to discuss Traceless Facelift at Joy Clinics . You can request a consultation online or give us a call at (+2) 012 768 488 25  to make an appointment.

Who is a good candidate for a facelift?

Most candidates for a facelift are in their 40s to 60s. Mini facelifts and short scar techniques are most useful in younger patients. The traditional, full-incision approach is best for older patients or following weight loss, when there is substantial skin laxity in the neck.

Patients should stop smoking and blood pressure should be properly controlled before surgery.

How long is facelift recovery?

Most facelift patients take about a week off of work and typically look their best 6 weeks after surgery.

What are the risks of facelift surgery?

Complications from facelifts have been uncommon in my experience. Bleeding, infection, delayed healing and nerve damage are possible. Each of these complications is treatable with quality postoperative care.

To learn more about rhinoplasty, request a consultation or call (+2) 012 768 488 25.
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